?On this dashboard, you can view an analysis of the energy storage management at your sites. The analysis includes the total energy stored as part of charging the batteries, and highlights inefficiencies in the storage of energy on site.
Key Takeways:
Track trends and anomalies in energy storage (battery charge) patterns.
Track energy storage efficiency, by identifying sites with high energy production (from the solar or the generator) that could have been used to charge batteries.
Total Battery Charge [kWh]
The total energy used to charge the batteries on the sites included in the dashboard. The calculation is based on the summary field "Battery - Total Charge" (link to https://galooli.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KP/pages/2861563909/Energy+Global+Fields)
Generator Energy Loss - Fuel Cost
In hybrid systems, the generator should be able to charge the batteries while it is running and supplying power. In the absence of this measure, the generator will have to run for longer hours instead of charging the batteries so they can become the site's energy source. By calculating the fuel consumed by the generator without simultaneously charging the battery, the card quantifies this inefficiency as an expense.
The calculation is based on the summary field "Generator On Load - No Battery Charge [Hours]" (link to https://galooli.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KP/pages/2755362825/Energy+Efficiency+Fields)
Generator Energy Loss - Fuel Cost
Solar Energy Loss
Smart Batteries Count