Data availability displays real-time information on the connectivity status of the units. This information is vital to determine the operation aspects of the Galooli gateways connected to the assets and allows for troubleshooting in case of unit disconnection.
Avg. Data Availability
The average time data was collected. Data availability can be larger than online availability if the unit was offline but still collected information, and sent the information when the connection was back.
Based on the time between subsequent records, with the time difference limit described in the general group description at the beginning of these documents.
Avg. Online Availability
The average time the site was online and passing data to the server. Based on records where Log = No
Total KB Transmitted
Calculation of kB based on the number of transmissions.
Average Transmissions
The average number of transmissions per unit per server (average transmissions per unit per day). For optimal transmission - once a minute - the number should be 1440 (the number of minutes per day).
Availability Trend
Oftentimes, availability can be analyzed by viewing and analyzing trends over time. This can help identify problematic days or issues which have been occurring over time. The trend lines change based on the device analyzed with information on the availability percentage for each day.